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發表於 2011-4-30 20:30:05 | |閱讀模式


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發表於 2011-5-2 09:58:21 |
就係你首先讀咗任何一個degree 咁住再報law既degree~
發表於 2011-5-2 11:37:39 |



發表於 2011-5-3 15:29:54 |
oh understand thanks a lot
發表於 2011-7-6 17:45:26 |
發表於 2011-7-8 18:15:13 |
本帖最後由 AOSGC 於 2011-7-8 18:20 編輯

最常見, 亦係最多人既方法, 就係 (假設沒有degree), 就係去at least完成一個有high dip水平既課程, 不必要與法律有關, 當然係就最好.

然後去報bachelor of laws (City U / CU / HKU) (full time為期三年, part time 好似4年? )
在讀law degree時, 會有一大堆選修科 + 必修科

記得當年...好似係2002年前, 如想讀PCLL (postgraduate certificate in laws, 即係做律師既專業試) , 從而成功成為律師, 有8科係必須要完成 (即係「至少」合格, 即係如個個合格就睇grade), 分別係︰
criminal law
tort law
contract law
constitutional & administrative law
company law
law of evidence
equity & trust
revenue law

呢d係律師既最最最最基本, 如果呢d都master得唔好, 唔使諗可以做到律師, 做到都係...較遜色既一群 (no offence)

但好似自從2003 (?) 年起, 唔使再讀revenue law都可以考pcll.

完成law degree, 記得至少要係2.1 先可以讀到pcll (即係二級榮譽一等).

假設係full time pcll (有part time, 2年), 扣除sem break, 只有約7個月係上堂, 當中包括10幾 (10幾exactly?) 個不同類型既考試, 當然必須全pass, 先可以得到pcll既學歷. d考試部份open-book --> 咪開心住, 呢d先最恐怖, 例如「空手」draft 一份樓契出來, 或部份重要條款. 呢d能力亦係一個律師既基本.

有pcll同埋 hkid card (哈哈), 先可以去應徵做律師 (solicitor) , 其實正稱係無"事務"呢兩個字的, 見習為期兩年, 必須有律師行 (solicitors' firm) 確認閣下表現合格, 先可以"admit", 正式成為律師, 一般係assistant solicitor.

至於barrister / counsel (大律師, 英人/扮鬼港人傳統叫counsel), 就要同樣學歷, 同時要去大律師行 (barristers' chamber) 應徵做一年見習, 呢一年一般沒有薪水, 仲要出糧畀秘書同埋交租, 除非閣下有大老細/有家底, 否則必須至少坐食山崩一年 (或以上...), 一年後待大律師行確認, 先可以成為正式既執業大律師.

如上述資料有唔updated, 煩請師兄們指正

但要強調一點, 如果有興趣讀law既而現在沒有degree, 唔緊要, 勤力d, 每日無時無刻食飯(早午晚)屙屎訓先起身後都溫英文同埋多作思考, 就可以慢慢提升自己.  因為讀law時訓練與一般大學科目不同, 加上好多都係外籍教授, 會在成百九幾人既lecture threatre叫你起身present自己既觀點, 甚至invite其他同學挑戰你 (當然係英文), 是好好既訓練, 但係就要先下苦功啦.
發表於 2011-7-9 10:07:14 |


1. 8科core一直都唔包revenue law, 而係 land (property) law

2. 入pcll 你所得的honur 唔一定要second upper class, 不過宜家競爭激烈, 低過的會比較難有人收啫

3."solicitor" 實際慼該被定名為"事務律師"", 而"barrister"則為"訴訟律師", 但一般被稱為"大律師", 其實者係工作性質唔同,
   barrister唔於"大"d, 係完成pcll之後, 係可以任擇其一的

4. barrister係要實習一年, 但後期唔一定搵唔到錢, 因為佢地可以"limited practice", 意思係可處理某指定類型的案件
發表於 2011-7-9 17:24:05 |
回應 黑仔神 的帖子

無錯, 果然係版主, 見多識廣. 哈哈

我都記錯了, 係land law至真.  revenue law應該係pcll既科目, 到我所述既年份後先至不再係pcll既科目.

2.1以外入到既, 都係少數, 當然曾經係科目拎過distinction, 或有公職者, 可以加分.

solicitor嘅講法我唔同意, 因為不是實情 (應該話唔到我同意與否). hong kong law society 與及所發出嘅律師證上面都無事務呢兩個字!

另外, solic都可以處理訴訟 (litigation), 你問下magic circle, 所以呢點都不正確.
發表於 2011-7-9 19:01:35 |
AOSGC 發表於 2011-7-9 17:24
回應 黑仔神 的帖子

無錯, 果然係版主, 見多識廣. 哈哈


如果你要直譯, 唔係應該譯為香港法律會咩


一直都係因佢地唔同的工作性質, 同埋出庭權( RIGHT OF AUDIENCE)而分的

以英文黎講, LAWYER先係律師, 係廣義的解釋


而BARRISTER被稱為大律師, 其實並唔係佢地大D


所以, 就工作性質分類, SOLICITOR應為"事務律師", 而BARRISTER係"訟訴律師"

不過, 由於歷史做成的習稱

SOLICITOR就被簡稱為"律師", 而BARRISTER就被簡稱為"大律師"

無錯, SOLICITOR係可以處理訴訟事宜, 不過由於佢工作量比較大

(包括左面對客人, 文件, 律師行行政等多方面), 所以一般都比較少處理審訊(即係打官司)


發表於 2011-7-9 19:07:31 |
回應 黑仔神 的帖子

哈哈, 好啦, 唔爭論啦, you are right  
發表於 2011-7-9 19:24:00 |
AOSGC 發表於 2011-7-9 19:07
回應 黑仔神 的帖子

哈哈, 好啦, 唔爭論啦, you are right





發表於 2011-7-9 21:35:18 |
回應 黑仔神 的帖子

good! big brother 大家咁話!
發表於 2011-7-10 21:16:10 |
發表於 2011-7-11 16:40:29 |
本帖最後由 sob1976 於 2011-7-11 16:46 編輯

Based on latest information...assuming that you already have a degree in an irrelevant field, the most direct route to be a lawyer (solicitor) in Hong Kong is:

1) Undertake a Juris Doctor degree from either HKU, CUHK, or CityU.  Take CUHK as an example,
  a: It costs HK$288,000.
  b: It consists of 24 half-year courses, 13 of which are PCLL required courses such as contract, constitutional law, administrative law, tort, civil procedure, company law, criminal law, equity and trusts, land law, criminal procedure, commercial law, evidence and conveyancing.  Other required courses include legal system, common law method, thesis, jurisprudence etc.
  c: One may finish entire program in 2 years on full-time basis, but don't expect any life while taking the program.
  d: Revenue law is not a PCLL required subject.
  e: Getting into JD is not that hard as this program is a cash cow for law schools.  The critical part is getting a good GPA for PCLL.

2) Undertake PCLL offered by one of three universities above.
  a: Admission to UGC place (tuition of only $42,100) requires a CGPA of over 3.4 in JD program.
  b: Admission to self-funded place (tuition of over $100,000) still requires a CGPA of 3 thereabouts.
  c: In addition to CGPA, one needs to have at least a 7 in IELTS (but it is just a piece of cake comparing with CGPA requirement).
  d: Not every school offers part-time PCLL.  Only HKU offers part-time program this year.
  e: A full-time PCLL program lasts for a year.  It is more demanding comparing with JD.

3.  Get a trainee contract (job hunting).  Determining factors include GPA and network.  Hunt for TC two years in advance.

4.  TC - expect slavery for two years.  It is common that a trainee solictor has agrument with principal and they have to settle the traineeship issue in court.  (Side note: being a lawyer is much better than being an trainee accountant because HKICPA does not have any arbitration mechanisms whatsoever to solve any dispute between a trainee accountant and his/her firm.  Many firms refuse to sign experience lodges for the trainees after three years of slavery...)

5.  Although one may take U of London external LLB or CPE for PCLL admission purpose, he/she must take conversion exams in order to fulfill the admission requirement.  Bear in mind that this route is a relatively hard route to get into PCLL comparing with local LLB/JD students.

HKU JD program

CUHK JD program

CityU JD program
發表於 2011-7-17 21:14:42 |
回應 sob1976 的帖子

Thanks for the insightful information!!!!
Could you possibly shed some light on the job hunting aspect? Been hearing how local firms don't offer as good prospects vs. US/UK law firms etc. Would you know the pay package/career path for local vs international firm?
發表於 2011-7-17 21:25:18 |
I have been working hard on it
發表於 2011-7-17 23:45:26 |
回應 mrpringles 的帖子

International firms offer their trainees over $40K but local firms could be as humble as only $1XK thereabouts.  Bear in mind that legal field is all about connection and background.

Pessimistically, it may be a bit similar to "我爸是李刚"。

If one could qualify in Australia or Canada to help migrants (both legal and illegal) and visable minorities, he/she is much more noble than entering so-called magic circle.
發表於 2011-7-18 00:21:47 |
sob1976 發表於 2011-7-11 16:40
Based on latest information...assuming that you already have a degree in an irrelevant field, the mo ...

Thanks for your detail explanation about the path for being a lawyer in hk

One minor point to share is that in fact it is NOT common to have dispute

between the Principal and the trainee about the traineeship as most of the Principal

is taking a "let him/her go" approach

What the Principal would ususally do is simply not to offer a place for for him/her as AS
發表於 2011-7-18 00:41:26 |
mrpringles 發表於 2011-7-17 21:14
回應 sob1976 的帖子

Thanks for the insightful information!!!!

Before answering your enquiry

your have to first clarify what mean by "good prospect"?

Salary? Profiting sharing?

In fact the carreer path a solicitor is simple,

Assistant/ Associate Solicitor, (Department Head), Salary Partner,Equity  Partner, Principal

in fact if you are capable to handle file independant with good performance and with a stable clientele

it is not hard for you have become a senior associate, dependant head or even salary partner

of course the demand for international firm will be greater / harder

so you may said that it is more easier for you to become a equity partner in a local firm than international firm

as to salary package, it would be better for international firm than local firm

however, no pay nbo gain, you would have to work harder for such pay

But most important is your background and clientele

since lawyer is a service industry

發表於 2011-7-18 00:57:38 |
黑仔神 發表於 2011-7-18 00:41
Before answering your enquiry

your have to first clarify what mean by "good prospect"?

I am not going to leave my current job, my target is just finished llb and making contribution in my current position.


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