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gold coast

發表於 2014-4-30 19:49:38 | |閱讀模式


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各位c兄, 請問GOLD COAST有冇日本妹叫?
發表於 2014-5-4 00:18:49 |
發表於 2014-5-25 21:32:42 |
日本妹要看运气, 有时有从悉尼来的, 长驻的没有。
發表於 2014-6-16 13:13:18 |
係Molendinar果間個網址話有 不過上星期去到唔知有客定係咩原因見唔到
發表於 2014-7-31 18:21:08 |
机场附近那个brothel有时有。忘了什么名字了,在twin town赌场对面
發表於 2014-10-15 01:24:12 |
Brisbane have higher chance to find it I guess.
I have tried Japanese and Korean

Good Luck
發表於 2014-11-4 03:25:22 |
i have been to gold coast a few years ago and try the japanese out call girl which charge very expensive, so i wish i can get the real good jap girl but the girl turn up is a chinese young girl which i meet her before in sydney and perth.....


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