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I want my "Application" button back !!!

發表於 2013-5-20 19:28:32 | |閱讀模式


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.... Truly annoying with this new version of Ubuntu

The greatest thing about Linux is "Choice", from installation to applications, and user tweaks on the look and feel of the desktop.
12.04 is not the latest, but the LTS.
See the desktop:-
Screenshot from 2013-05-20 19:15:21.png
The Button which actuates the Application menu is gone, the individual menu bar is no longer visible,
minimized open applications cannot be seen, and one cannot even find some of the less-frequently used applications
easily !
Worst is Synaptic is gone too !

Must have been a bunch of MS morons who developed the W8 moved to work for Canonical !
 樓主| 發表於 2013-5-20 19:35:27 |
It took me almost 3 hours to work around to replace the wm with xfce, install what I need, and remove a bunch of useless stuffs -- and the Chinese Input Method is still not working !
發表於 2013-5-21 00:48:03 |
The Linux OS need more times to establish the users common facing problems.
 樓主| 發表於 2013-5-21 09:15:39 |

The sad thing is that there is no user common facing problem
prior to 12.04 ( for example 10.04 LTS ).
It all went wrong with those Gnome A<禁> h<禁> started to develop a desktop following the trump suit of Win8.
Linux has now existed to be recognized by users as a standalone OS.
Does Linux still have to be copycat of m$ to survive ?
That is why I was so mad yesterday.

(ps I once held a mirror site of LinuxSxS
 樓主| 發表於 2013-5-21 09:23:13 |
回應 馬後砲 #4 的帖子

... in Hongkong, thanks to a friend who gave me the capacity, bandwidth, and a fixed ip to do so.

The objective of LinuxSxs was to promote Linux by answering questions of users of Caldera Open Linux
Caldera was eventually taken over and changed its name to the current SCO.


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